by Christopher Baggot | Jun 14, 2016 | Audits, Blog
Thanks to Report on Medicare Compliance for permission to reprint this article. Recently Christopher Baggott, CEO of Medlinks Cost Containment, Inc. and Medlinks Staffing LLC. was interviewed by the Report on Medicare Compliance on the issue of medical audits. Our...
by Christopher Baggot | Dec 31, 2015 | Audits
Facing a storm can be daunting. As we close 2014 and welcome in 2015 CMS, the OIG, your commercial payers, all have their sites on your bottom line. CMS will surely revive rack RAC and the OIG predicts millions to be recovered in the audit of “canned documentation”....
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 13, 2015 | Audits
In the last few years of servicing the needs of our clients a theme that comes through strongly is to un-silo departments and get them talking again. One of the big disconnects that we see is between the internal auditor in the contracting department. Our intention in...
by Christopher Baggot | Jun 2, 2015 | Audits, Blog
Once in a Lifetime Procedures Summary This policy limits the frequency of reimbursement for certain identified procedures to once in the patient’s lifetime. Once in a Lifetime Procedures, by the nature of their description, can be performed only once in a patient’s...
by Christopher Baggot | May 4, 2015 | Audits, Blog
Recently one of our hospital clients had a Third Party Audit Firm sneak a request for records past a new person. In my article titled “Your Losses Begin in Medical Records” you’ll see that releasing medical records needs to be carefully considered. In any case these...
by Christopher Baggot | Apr 13, 2015 | Audits, Blog
As we explored previously in our first article stopping loss can occur. Here’s how it starts: Identify and consolidate your findings in these areas: 1. Government Audits 2. Commercial Audits 3. Business Office Denials Most sites will keep these areas separate,...