by Christopher Baggot | Apr 10, 2015 | Audits, Blog
Your Audit Losses – Step One Of all the sites I’ve ever consulted for there is always the same pattern and posture with auditing. Some are better than others but all have divided the audit losses into generally three categories. 1. Business Office Denials 2....
by Christopher Baggot | Feb 25, 2015 | Audits, Blog
Great article I thought I’d share by Brad Flansbaum IF CONGRESS PLANS ON FIXING THE RACS IN 2015, THEY NEED TO READ THIS FIRST! • February 24, 2015 • Brad Flansbaum The recent increase in observation stays has led to a surge in federal oversight and scrutiny. We have...
by Christopher Baggot | Feb 21, 2015 | Audits, Blog
In the world of being an expert it can take careful observation as to what is occurring in your area of expertise. This has become especially true in the world of auditing. It is true in the realm of RAC as CMS offers loads of grey areas, and an ever moving target of...
by Christopher Baggot | Feb 4, 2015 | Audits, Blog
As health plans attempt to measure the acuity of new patients through the Affordable Care Act’s healthcare marketplace exchange, hospital audit teams will see a huge influx of commercial risk adjustment audits and associated medical record requests. And the deluge is...
by Christopher Baggot | Jan 14, 2015 | Audits, Blog
Good information I thought I’d share. Thanks Evan Godt. Evan Godt, Jan 14, 2015 The HHS Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Fiscal Year 2015 Work Plan includes three ongoing imaging-related projects, according to the American College of Radiology (ACR). OIG’s annual...
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 19, 2014 | Audits, Blog
With the winds of change in full swing for CMS, commercial payers have taken notice of their billions of dollars in recovery through auditing. As a result commercial payers have adopted many of the practices seen through CMS transmittals. The most recent change seen...