by Christopher Baggot | Nov 21, 2014 | Blog
When considering setting up your CDM and your electronic health record it is important to include in your lab results the location of your draw. Draws are commonly done by vein and that of course would be your default site but a draw done via a central line, a PICC...
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 19, 2014 | Audits, Blog
With the winds of change in full swing for CMS, commercial payers have taken notice of their billions of dollars in recovery through auditing. As a result commercial payers have adopted many of the practices seen through CMS transmittals. The most recent change seen...
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 14, 2014 | Blog
Arlington, Va., November 11, 2014—The Professional Services Council filed an amicus brief calling on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to affirm that orders through the GSA Schedules Program must follow commercial practices. Contrary to numerous...
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 13, 2014 | Blog
Reviewing the Hospital Audit Process via your Audit Policy Your Audit Policy Did you know that you can improve your refund stats and total audit losses by writing a simple Third Party Audit Policy? Facilities not using a Third Party Audit Policy are missing the boat...
by Christopher Baggot | Nov 13, 2014 | Audits, Blog
If you’re a physician and the RAC process has remained somewhat obscure you’re not alone. Across this country the rules have been changing with Affordable Health Care and to steal a line from Jerry McGuire it’s about “Show Me the Money”! With over 5 billion in...